
      -- itis 發炎

      1. inflammation  發炎

      2. arthritis  關節炎

      3. bronchitis  支氣管炎

      4. sinusitis  竇炎

      5. gastritis  胃炎


 Vocabularies& Phrases

      .retreat (v.)

          -- to escape to a place that is quieter or safer 隱退;逃避;躲避

      .bazaar (n.)

          -- (in some eastern countries) a street or an area of a town where there are many

             small shops (某些東方國家的)集市;法文,大市集

      .sabbath (n.)

          -- in Judaism and Christianity the holy day of the week that is used for resting and worshipping

              God. For Jews this day is Saturday and for Christians it is Sunday. 安息日(猶太教定為


      .puppy love 小狗之愛(兩小無猜)

      .Quest (n.)

           -- a long search for something, especially for some quality such as

               happiness 探索,尋找,追求

      .Initiation (n.)

          -- the act of somebody becoming a member of a group, often with a special ceremony; the

              act of introducing somebody to an activity or skill (常指通過特別儀式的)入會;


      .Holly grail


          -- a lack of good judgement; the fact of doing something stupid; an activity or idea

               that shows a lack of judgement 愚蠢;愚笨;愚蠢的想法(或事情、行為)



     .The Raven was written by Edgar Allen Poe

     .Problem novel 青少年小說的特色

     .Charon(冥河渡者ferryman) by the River Styx

     .1992modernism 巔峰 例:白先勇 台北人

     .百大小說No.1 James Joyce

     .Lreland 作家  譏諷著稱



She was the old flam of mine in high school


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